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Performance Report
Sunday, 14 May 2006
"Minotaur" got the Best Performance Award
I just came back to America from a long performance tour. I was teaching and directing a new play in Tehran. Our performance, world premiere of "Minotaur", went well, and got the Best Performance Award. Thank you for all of you who worked very hard on this project.

Posted by izumiashizawa at 2:44 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 14 May 2006 2:46 PM EDT
Sunday, 2 April 2006
Performance in Tokyo
Izumi Ashizawa Performance presents "The Blue Rocks" performance in Tokyo. We are invited to perform our piece as a part of Tokyo Summer Music Festival 2006. Venue: Meguro Persimmon Hall Small Hall Time: July 22nd: 19:30pm July 23rd: 17:30pm Workshop: July 23rd: 13:00-15:00pm made possible by Arion Foundation, Asahi News, Embassy of Greece, Embassy of Romania, Greek-Japanese Chamber of Commerce for more information visit us at http://izumiashizawa.com

Posted by izumiashizawa at 6:08 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 16 April 2006 5:32 PM EDT

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